Frequently Asked Questions

How/When will I get the update?

You will get an email that will tell you that this add-on has been updated to this version. After that, you will have to log in to the store you bought the add-on from and get your free update or files from your product library.

I often post news and update information on the tools in my social media accounts so if you read that I have updated the stores, you don't have to wait for the email notification and can directly go to the store instead.

I'm encountering issues. I keep contacting you but no reply?

You must give me at least 48 hours to reply. I am constantly at my PC working but at the time of messaging, I might be doing something else (afk) or sleeping.

If you contacted me in one of the social media sites or YouTube through the comment section and I have not replied, try another way - sometimes the comments or messages get lost because of newer ones or I was not notified about them.

Are the updates free?

Yes. It's a lifetime purchase.

Why does the menu keep disappearing?

Go to this page and read all about the redo panel in Blender.

Do you offer support for older versions of Blender?

No. Due to the lack of manpower, I only support the latest official version of Blender. There will be an archive folder of older versions starting from Blender 4.0.

I'm new to Blender. Are the add-ons easy to learn?

Like any support tool in any application, you will learn them as you learn the main software. That being said, the difficulty ranges from beginner to intermediate with the bigger and more advanced add-ons leaning on the latter side.

The updates however are free and you can grow as the tools themselves evolve. Also, there are a lot of videos you can follow in my YouTube channel.

Last updated