Random Cells
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Random Cells generates random single face cards in the selected faces from the source mesh. This is to generate low poly face groups to introduce tiny extrusions for detail or to break up the silhouette of your model.
Here are the redo properties and what they do:
This has 2 options: Percent and Number. Percent uses a percentage slider to control the number of cells generated. Number uses an interger to determine the number of cells generated.
The amount of cells generated relative to the subdivided face selection.
Randomize the generated cells using a seed number.
Increase the number of neighboring faces that can be attached to face cells.
This controls the possibility of the neighboring face being generated.
Randomizes the location where a neighboring face can be generated using a seed number.
This controls the individiual margins of the face cells or islands.
This controls the margin from the face selection boundary.
This has 2 properties: Cuts and Smooth. Cuts lets you increase the subdivision of the face selection allowing for more face cells to be generated. Smooth gives a smoothing effect to the subdivision.
Using smooth on angular models will puff out the mesh but if you want you can use this as an effect.
This controls the inset thickness of the face cells or islands.
You can see this effect better if you have added some depth value using the Depth property.
This has 2 options: Sharp and Individual. Sharp will cut the face cells on edges that meet a sharpness angle threshold. Individual will split the faces based on their edges.
The angle threshold used by the Cut Method: Sharp to determine which edges to split or cut.
This controls the inset depth of the face cells or islands.
Randomizes the inset depth value of each face cells when Cut Method: Individual or Offset Mode: Individual is used.
This has 2 options: Constant and Individual. Constant will use the same offset value for all the face cells. Individual will randomize the offset value for each face cells or islands individually.
The amount of offset by the face cells or islands towards or away from the selected faces.
Randomizes the offset using a seed number.
The amount of faces from the face selection to be triangulated.
The Material Index property lets the resulting cloth sim mesh inherit a material from the active or work mesh.
The default value of -1 means it will use the active material in the work mesh if that material exists.
Using 0 and above means you will be using the 1st material in the material stack when using 0, the 2nd material when using 1 and so forth.
Using a material stack number when that material does not exist will assign no material to the resulting panel cut mesh.
Uses the mirror modifier of the source mesh to generate a symmetrical result. Disabling will use an applied version of the source mesh to create asymmetry instead.
Disables all the ray visibility of the resulting random mesh except for the camera.
In Cycles, this will make it look like the mesh is part of the object underneath it with reflections, shadows etc are disabled.
This makes sure that no adjacent faces are generated to join another face cell or island resulting to more scattered result. This also allows you to use the island size property to exclusively control the size of the islands
This will eventually lose its effect when you have increased either the pool size or the island sizes too much.
Assigns an emission shader to the resulting random mesh called "rcells_emit". This works in combination with the "emit_size_3" and "emit_size_5" presets to create lighting effects for scifi assets, vehicles, buildings or ships.
If the material exists by name, it will be reused as the shader or if it doesn't exist the operator will create a new one with that name.
This only shows up when using Cut Method: Individual or Offset Mode: Individual. This will orient the resulting face cells or islands to point in the direction of the normal created using the Normal Picker operator.