Random Slice

Random slice generates random slices in each individiual face in the selection. It works optimally on big faces and has many effects like inset, wireframe or just simple edge cuts.

Here are the redo properties and what they do:


This has 2 options: Random and Shortest. Random will generate an edge cut from any random edge in a face. Shortest will only generate an edge cut from the shortest edge in a face which results to largely square/rectangular shapes avoiding long thin faces.


This has 2 options: Tangent and View. Tangent will use the longest edge in a face to orient the edge cuts. View will use the the viewport look angle to for the edge cut direction.


This has 2 options: Edge and XYZ. Edge will use the tangent or longest edge in a face for the edge cut direction. XYZ will align the edge cuts in the global x, y and z axis. This property will only show up when using Direction: Tangent.

Cut Amount

This determines the number of edge cuts that can be generated.

Cut Seed

This randomizes the edge cuts using a seed number.

Min Length

This lets you set the minimum edge length for an edge to be considered for an edge cut. Lower values will generate longer thinner faces and higher values will result to bigger and squarish faces.


This lets you set the minimum and maximum offset for an edge cut which determines its placement along the edge it was generated.


This only shows up in edit mode and has 2 options: Merged and Separate. Merged will only result to edge cuts while Separate will result to insetted faces and a separate object like using the operator in edit mode.

Outer Margin

This creates a margin in the face selection boundary.

You can disable the Uniform Outer Margin toggle to randomize the margin values between the min and max properties.

Margin Seed

This only shows up when Uniform Outer Margin toggle is disabled and randomizes the outer margin values using a seed number.

Inner Margin

This creates a margin for each individual face newly created by the randomized edge cuts.

You can disable the Uniform Inner Margin toggle to randomize the margin values between the min and max properties.

Margin Seed

This only shows up when Uniform Inner Margin toggle is disabled and randomizes the inner margin values using a seed number.


This determines the thickness or scaling of the extruded faces.

You can disable the Uniform Thickness toggle to randomize the margin values between the min and max properties.

Thickness Seed

This only shows up when Uniform Thickness is disabled and randomizes the inset thickness using a seed number.


This determines the depth or height of the extruded faces using a minimum and maximum value.

You can enable the Uniform Depth toggle to use a single value to control the depth property.

Depth Seed

This randomizes the depth using a seed number.


This lets you scale the extruded faces.

You can enable the Uniform Scale toggle to use a single value to control the scale property.

This serves the same purpose as Thickness but the effect is clamped and will not reverse the faces when using too much values.

Scale Seed

This only shows up when Uniform Scale is disabled and randomizes the scale using a seed number.


This only works in object mode or when using Mode: Separate in edit. This has 2 properties: Proc and Seed. Proc uses a percentage slider to determine if an inset or extruded face will be removed. Seed will randomize the proc effect using a seed number.

Material Index

The Material Index property lets the resulting cloth sim mesh inherit a material from the active or work mesh.

The default value of -1 means it will use the active material in the work mesh if that material exists.

Using 0 and above means you will be using the 1st material in the material stack when using 0, the 2nd material when using 1 and so forth.

Using a material stack number when that material does not exist will assign no material to the resulting panel cut mesh.

Use Mirror

This uses the mirror modifier of the source mesh to create a symmetrical result. Disabling this will use an applied version of the mesh to create asymmetry instead.


This turns the edge cuts into a wireframe mesh instead.

Limited Dissolve

Uses limited dissolve on the selected faces to unify them making it easier and faster to create the edge cuts compared to the high resolution face selection.

Max Angle

The angle threshold for the Limited Dissolve property.

Floater Mesh

This only shows up when Wireframe is enabled. This disables all the ray visibility of the resulting mesh except for the camera.

In Cycles, this will make it look like the mesh is part of the object underneath it with reflections, shadows etc are disabled.

Use Boundary

Support face boundary when creating the wireframe mesh.

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